May 21,2009
Had a last minute call this morning at 4:00am I wanta fish he said so I set him up with capt.Dan at the jetties this morning for half day trip for 1 person Dan called me and all he said was flat as glass . I need something Offshore fast so anyone wanting to fish the next couple days call me Dan is open and I need to get him booked and the seas predicted for this weekend is 1-2' with a Occasional 3'ter. As for the trip they tagged 1 bullred,3 speckled trout,about 4 sand trout,a few sheephead,2 mangrove snapper. was a pretty good trip for 1 person did catch and release about 7 smaller sharks to 2-3' just small bay sharks but, alot of fun. Tight Lines..Lynn.. remember cannot take the heat we also fish our trips at night also. Yes this boat has deck lights. Workingman Charters
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